Deschutes County Goal 5 Wildlife Inventory Updates

Elk in Tumalo

A Goal 5 resource is a resource that the Oregon Government wants to protect. An inventory of resources is selected by local governments so that a level of protection can be placed on these resources. These resources can range from historic areas, wildlife habitats, to gravel mines.

Deschutes County last updated the Goal 5 resource inventory numbers in the early 1990’s. Recently, Deschutes County received a state grant to evaluate potential updates to the Goal 5 Wildlife inventories of mule deer winter range, elk winter range and sensitive bird habitat (Bald Eagle and Golden Eagle). One of the first steps to start the process is public outreach, in which 92% of the 449 people surveyed supported further pursuing the wildlife inventory update.

Each of the three potential updates, mule deer winter range, elk winter range and sensitive bird habitat will have different effects on parts of the community of Tumalo. For detailed maps head to the Deschutes County Report. (

Winter Mule Deer Range:

  • Why was it selected: “The mule deer winter range habitat inventory was selected by the TAC for update primarily because it no longer reflects usage patterns indicated by data collected by ODFW biologists, and this habitat commonly is a source of conflict with proposed developments in the County.”
  • Potential Effects on Tumalo
    • Zoning Effects
      • No golf courses that are not included in a destination resort
      • No commercial dog kennels
      • No public or private schools
      • No bed and breakfast inns
      • No dude ranches
      • No playgrounds
      • No recreational facilities or community centers owned and operated by a government agency or a nonprofit community organization
      • No timeshare units
      • No veterinary clinics
      • No fishing lodges
    • New developments
      • 80% open space
      • Wildlife management plan must include
        • Preserves to protect and enhance wildlife habitat
        • Prohibits golf courses, tennis courts, swimming pools, marinas, ski runs or other developed recreational uses of similar intensity. Low intensity recreational uses such as bicycle, equestrian and pedestrians trails, wildlife viewing areas and fitness courses may be permitted.
        • Private open space area on home lots imposing a special yard setback of 100 feet on yards adjacent to required open space areas. In these yards, no structures other than fences consistent with DCC 18.88.070 may be constructed. Setbacks may be adjusted if it’s deemed that it will achieve equal or greater wildlife protection.
        • No off-road motor vehicle use.
        • Adequate corridors on the cluster property to allow for wildlife passage.
      • Structures must be within 300 feet of a roadway that was in existence on August 5, 1992 with limited exception to this requirement.
      • Certain types of fencing needs to be wildlife friendly.

Winter Elk Range:

  • Why was it selected: “Similar to the mule deer winter range inventory, the elk winter range habitat was selected by the TAC for update primarily because the existing Wildlife Area (WA) Zone for Elk Range used by the County significantly differs from ODFW’s survey-based understanding of how elk currently use winter range habitat. The most heavily used winter range has expanded over time and often conflicts with development projects. “
  • Potential Effects on Tumalo
    • Same as above for Winter Mule Deer Range
    • Minimum lot size of 160 acres.

Sensitive Bird Habitat

  • Why was it selected: “Bald and golden eagle nest locations were selected by the TAC for update primarily because the datasets underlying the current sensitive bird habitat occurrences for these two species in Deschutes County are out of date, and development conflicts with known nests are increasing.”
  • Potential Effects on Tumalo
    • All overlay zone uses are permitted unless Comprehensive Plan species differently for a sensitive bird resource such as a nest, hibernation site or rookery site.
    • All proposed development will need to include impacts to sensitive bird resource, timing of construction and vegetation preservation and removal in the site plan.
      • This plan is reviewed by the County and they will render a decision on whether development can occur bringing a level of subjectivity to the application process.


Full Deschutes County Report:(


Active Listings in Tumalo



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